The (Digital) Art Gallery


a drawing of a sad goblin with his knees to his chest. he is labeled 'sad goblin,' and 'don't let him win' is written underneath him.a drawing of a person high-fiving suction cup man.a drawing of suction cup man sitting at a table with a shocked, disturbed expression. in front of him is a plate with the bird from 'Suction Cup Man Fights a Bird,' dead.a customer at an IT help desk, asking the person behind the desk 'uh do you have my computer?' the person behind the desk is staring at a mess of computer bits with tears in their eyes, saying 'i don't know.'a drawing of suction cup man laying on the ground with a blank expression.a drawing of suction cup man from the back, climbing up the side of a building. he isn't looking at the viewer, but he's giving them the middle finger.a sketch of a person glaring at a cartoon brain, which is smiling cluelessly.


spinel from the steven universe movie as a robot modeled after jenny wakeman.A drawing of Bill Cipher with a mild red and blue 3d effect. He's wearing triangular 3d glasses.a drawing of the lineless art of the pokémon buneary, who is a rabbit with clouds on its ears and lower body, with the non-binary colors. its body is yellow, its eyes are black and white, its clouds are white, and its inner ears are purple. the flag itself is above it.lineless art of kirby with the genderfluid colors. his body is pink, his cheeks are purple, his eyes are black and white, and his feet are blue. the flag itself is above him.rainbow lineart of Friendo from buddy simulator 1984 on a black background. beneath them, there is text that reads 'your favorite colors!' where every word is a different color.